

As a whole, the proposed education and training program will target all stakeholders across the food-packaging supply chain and the education system supporting it (e.g., universities or colleges with special programs in food engineering/food science, material/polymer science, plastic engineering, physical-chemistry…). The program focuses on four major issues concerning innovation on food packaging: food safety, food preservation, packaging design and packaging sustainability. For all these questions, innovation will be encouraged through optimal packaging design, resource use and waste management. Despite they are not the main targets, the current project will impact connected domains where interactions between packaging/materials and the content in contact are of the same importance. Education program and actions related to these four issues will concern the development of a supervised “Food Packaging Web Portal”, which will include:

  • Training courses for common and advanced audiences with evaluation tools to score the understanding of the learner.
  • Practical guidelines collected from the expertise of the project partners, covering the suitability of packaging materials in contact with food and dealing with packaging conceptions taking into account functional, marketing and environmental aspects and technical specifications.
  • Case studies issued from the results of studies of the partnership on packaging safety, packaging conception and eco-design, shelf-life of packaged food, ergonomic packaging, with an additional quiz to place the learners in real-life applications.
  • Webinars on selected relevant topics with interactive connections to the learners to give them the opportunity to ask some questions and to manage times to answer them; a mentoring system will be set up to follow the needs of the learners.

Christophe Cotillon & Antoine Kieffer (Actia)
Tel. : 33 (0)1 44 08 86 15   33 (0)1 44 08 37 05

Olivier Vitrac (INRA, computer facilities, administrator)
Tel. : 33 (0)1 69 93 50 63

Actia (France)
The French Network of Food Technology Institutes


7 full partners representing 5 different European Countries: Croatia (university of Zagreb), France (Actia [LNE], AgroParisTech, AgroSupDijon), Germany (Technical university of Munich), Portugal (Catholic university of Portugal) and Spain (Spanish national research council).

September 2017

36 months


    Available courses

    Access directly to the content of Fitness lectures with this link. Note that the work is still on progress.