Steward OUADI , Olivier VITRAC


University of Paris-Saclay, INRAE, AgroParisTech, UMR 0782 SayFood, Massy, France

EU Erasmus+ Programme (contracts 2017-1-FR01-KA202-037441, 2022-FR01-KA220-HED-000023509)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

FITNESS 2.0: an AI-powered platform

Platform URL

FitNESS 2 new features

  • Multiple mirrors: FITNESS 1 (AgroParisTech), FITNESS 1 (Zagreb University), FITNESS 2 (AgroParisTech, work in progress). Others in discussion: Agro Dijon Institute, Michigan State University

  • Non linear training / learning: slides are based on your preferences and answers e.g : example 1, example 2, example 3

  • an AI will guide you to adapt the future content to your knowledge

  • User authentication based on unique key, possibility to recover a previous state

  • Possibility to set up standard tests (no server side) for professionals and students

  • New interactive case studies, including simulation

  • Still open source using GitHub, cloneable, free, no central server, no tracking

A major release is expected every 6 months.

Content contributors

alphabetic order, contributors from 13 European Institutions

Development team

  • Engineering and design: Olivier Vitrac, PhD., Habilitation, senior scientist INRAE

  • Javascript, HTML5: Steward Ouadi, software engineer AgroParisTech

We are scientists, visit us , watch our last talks

Development team

  • We are part of the modeling and computational engineering group of the Research Unit 0782 SayFood (University of Paris-Saclay, AgroParisTech, INRAE)

We are scientists, visit us, watch our last talks